Common Door Terms Diagram
Common Door Terms Diagram. See the diagram for common door terms, components and terminology for rough door openings as well as doors. Whether you are a trade professional, an experienced do-it-yourselfer, or just learning about doors, sometimes you encounter a term that needs more definition or clarity. So, just in case, we’ve provided this Glossary of commonly used terms associated with the door category. This should help you with the information required to better understand and complete your home improvement project

Door Term Explanations
Rough Door Opening
The framed in section of the wall the door will be mounted in.
Wall top plate– top 2×4 that runs the length of the wall and the 2×4 studs are attached to.
Wall sole plate– bottom 2×4 that runs the length of the wall and the 2×4 studs are attached to (treated if on cement).
King stud– vertical 2×4 on the outsides of the rough door opening.
Jack stud– vertical 2×4 attached to king stud and support the header.
Cripple stud– vertical 2x4s that keep wall stud spacing and transfer support from wall top plate to the header.
Header– horizontal board usally 2×6 or larger that spans from top of jack stud to other. Transfers cripple stud support to jack studs.
Casing(trim)– the molding that surrounds the door frame for looks
Sill– bottom of door
Jamb– the door frame that surronds the actual door. Attached to door by hinges.
Stop– small strip of wood that surrounds the entire inside perimeter of the door and stops the door from swinging in to far.
Hinges– attach the door to the door jamb (frame).
Top rail– top portion of the door.
Bottom rail– bottom portion of the door.
Lock rail– middel horizontal portion of door usually same level as the door knob.
Panels– usaually rectangles on front and back face of door for looks.
Mullion– verticle center of door.
Lock stile– leading edge of the door.
More information on door terminology can be found by Clicking Here.